Friday 7th - Sat 8th February
Join us for our Regional Worship Gathering 2025! Everyone is welcome! This is also the gathering for the Vineyard Worship tribe from across London and the South East.
Standard rate : £40 per person
Riverside Vineyard Church
Air Park Way
TW13 7LX

18:30 Registration / Tea & Coffee
19:30 Welcome & Announcements
19:45 Prayer & Worship
20:20 Main session 1 - Ashley Blewett
20:45 Worship & Ministry
21:15 Bar opens / Worship Circle
09:00 Registration / Tea & Coffee
09:30 Welcome
09:35 Worship
10:20 News
10:30 Main session 1 - Emilio Belo
11:00 Ministry
11:15 Tea & Coffee
11:30 Main session 2 - Panel Discussion
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Networking space
15:15 Tea & Coffee Break
15:30 Seminars
16:45 Dinner
19:00 Welcome
19:05 Worship & Communion
20:15 News
20:20 Main session 3 - Emilio Belo
21:00 Worship & Ministry

The Spirituality of the Psalms (F23)
- Emilio Belo & Stephen Peter Rowe
The reading of Psalms serves as a profound resource for individuals seeking to enrich their life of worship. These ancient texts capture a wide range of human emotions, from despair to exultation, allowing worshippers to find words that resonate with their own experiences. The Psalms guide us in expressing our thoughts and feelings toward God, fostering an intimate connection through prayer and reflection.
Join us in exploring how this book can help us in our worship life.
Media & Production(F24)
- Alison Berry & Elliot Tang
In the world of church media, it's easy to get caught up in the technical details: the cameras, the software, the perfect lighting. But what about the heart behind the production? This workshop is designed to shift our focus from the "what" to the "why" and the "who." We'll explore the crucial elements of team dynamics, effective training, and intentional purpose behind our choices, Join us as we look beyond the buttons and discover how a proper perspective & some professional practice can transform our approach to worship gatherings, reminding us that we're not striving for production perfection, but a posture of authentic service.
10 Things You Should Probably Know About PA Systems (G1/Auditorium)
- Nathan Hill
In the church, sometimes we just turn the PA on and “hope for the best”. We don’t always know what to do with them, the best place to put a speaker or even if the speaker is right for the venue. Come to this practical guide to learn 10 things you should probably know about PA systems.
I’ll be answering questions like:
“What makes a good sound system?”
“What different speakers are out there if I need to buy some for my church?”
“Where do I put my shiny new speakers?”
“What are those mysterious things called subs and where do I put them?”
Beyond the Ordinary: bringing new ideas to the worship space (G18)
- Ash Blewett
Do you have a passion for leading worship but find yourself seeking ways to create a deeper, more meaningful environment for those you lead? Do you have responsibility for any part of your services? Communion plays a significant role in our worship, but how can we enrich that moment in the service? How can we lead worship in a way that not only connects with our congregation but also extends a warm welcome to those for whom English is not their first language? In this seminar, we'll explore strategies and ideas that we've implemented at different times and come together to share fresh insights and approaches.
Come to share your ideas too!
Serve on a Team
For a chance to join the amazing team that will make this event a fantastic success, please apply by signing up for a slot on the team.
You will gain a free ticket to the event day you sign up (Fri/Sat) by being part of the team.