Safeguarding is a priority here
We are committed to creating safer places by following statutory guidelines on good working practice.
If you've seen or experienced something that doesn't seem right, or if you've been involved in a situation that made you feel uncomfortable, please let us know. You can confidentially share your concerns by filling in a form below or by speaking directly with any pastor. Your voice matters, and we're committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming environment for everyone.
If you would like some advice about anything to do with safeguarding, you can call Thirtyone:Eight for free on 0303 003 1111 and quote our membership number 445.
Reporting concerns about an adult (over 18)
If you have any cause for concern after an interaction with an adult then please take a moment to fill in this form as soon as possible (ideally within 30mins).
Reporting concerns about a child (under 18)
If you have any cause for concern after an interaction with a child then please take a moment to fill in this form as soon as possible (ideally within 30mins).
Riverside Safeguarding Team:
Dave Heskin
Safeguarding Lead
Hannah Periton
Safeguarding Deputy
Miriam Richardson-Eligon
Safeguarding Deputy
Sandra Nwokeoha
Safeguarding Trustee