Our well-being is important! It may help you to think of three fuel gauges - Physical, Emotional and Spiritual. How are you doing in each of these areas? Here are some resources and web sites you may find useful to explore these three areas further.
The Bereavement Journey
Starting Monday 7 October | 7:30pm
Working through grief and the loss of a loved one takes a long time. The Bereavement Journey is a 7 Session course for anyone who has been bereaved, whether recently or dating back several years, although attendance is recommended after the first 3 months of a bereavement to benefit most from the material.
£10.00 - includes the course manual. We don't want the cost to stop anyone from being a part of this course so please do get in touch with us via office@riversidevineyard.com if this is a problem.
We are sorry that we can only take those 18 years and older on this course - but do get in touch if we can be of any further help in this regard.
Here are some top tips for looking after your mental health in lockdown…
Mental health
Lectio365 from 24/7 Prayer (app available on Android & iOS)
Daily Examen (with Audio - Dan Wilt)
Daily Examen, Lectio divina & Centering Prayer (cards to print)
Personal Prayer Sessions
These are one off prayer sessions with a small team (2-3 people), aimed at a particular issue where you may simply feel stuck. The team will guide you through the session, encouraging you to connect with and hear from God for yourself for your own healing. As capacity for these sessions is currently limited, at present applications are only being accepted from those in small groups at Riverside. To apply for a personal prayer session, please complete the application form found at the link below. Please also read the download called “What is Forgiveness” (link below) ahead of any session as it forms so much of the material we cover in the sessions.