“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honour”
1 Samuel 2:8 nivuk
Commitment Sunday
Gift Day 2024
We heard this recently: “We’re most like Jesus when we’re generous” It’s so true! Jesus is radically generous and as His followers, we’re called to imitate Christ. That’s what the word Christian means - “little Christs”. We too are to be radically generous.
As we do each year, we’re inviting everyone that’s part of Riverside Vineyard Church to consider afresh how we can be radically generous, including our financial giving to the ministry of this church.
We also sense the Lord’s invitation to specifically develop an area of ministry that would serve & bless those in financial poverty in our communities. The Lord has abundant freedom for those held captive, and freedom can be released by radical generosity.
Please read the booklet to find out more…
Andy & Bethan
May 2024