Finding yourself in debt or financial difficulty can be a frightening experience which can leave you feeling lost, not knowing which way to turn - we are here to help. Our Money Mentors offer free advice on how to budget and manage your money and ongoing support to help you get back on your feet.


Community Money Advice

If you have concerns about making ends meet and would like help budgeting or you are struggling to repay debts that you owe then our money advice centre may be able to help you.

Just email and one of our Money mentors will contact you.

In Partnership with Community Money Advice

Money Management

Sessions to give you skills to help manage your finances well.

Free expert money coaching from Christians Against Poverty (CAP). Managing your money doesn’t have to a pain. Learn the skills to make it simple with two sessions at Riverside Vineyard Church.

Saturday 20 & 27 January 2024