

We're delighted to be re-starting onsite services. While church was never closed during lockdown, our onsite services were, and we're excited as we begin to meet again at the church centre.

We have limited capacity due to social distancing, so please book below to ensure a seat…


Save a seat for a youth session onsite…


The services are limited to 85 people, and registrations will open 7 days before each service. The services will follow our normal format - welcome, worship, teaching and prayer ministry. There will however, be some adjustments compared to how we used to do things:

Social distancing
This needs to be observed. For example, seats in the auditorium are spaced apart, and bathroom occupancy limited

Face coverings
These are required unless exempted by for example, a medical condition

As much as we love this expression in our worship, government guidance strongly discourages this, and so not singing is a better expression of our worship at this time

Hand sanitiser
There will be hand sanitising stations on entry to and in the building

Track & trace
Everyone in attendance will need to provide contact details as required by government guidelines. These will be kept for 21 days

We will have a trained volunteer team to help us all to stay safe

Please do not attend if you're self-isolating due to having had any Covid-19 symptoms in the past 10 days (high temperature, a new continuous cough, or a change or loss to your sense of taste or smell), or if you're self-isolating for 14 days due to contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive, or if you've been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace.

All of these measures are in place to help us to love and serve our community in the best ways right now.



1) Can the congregation sing?

Sadly not, just those who are on stage. But if you wish to, you can clap, lift your hands, kneel.

2) Can I bring under 11 year old children with me?

No. There are currently no groups for children. Schools have set up bubbles to limit mixing and ensure children are as safe as possible. If we had groups, we would be gathering children from multiple schools. So at this time it’s just not wise. In the auditorium, they would be sat separately to mum or dad. So the best place for children is Young Vineyard Online.

3) What about youth?

There are Youth sessions that run online & onsite at 11:15am. We have limited capacity onsite due to social distancing, so please book (You can book your seat here). Youth sessions are online at 11:15am on the Riverside Youth YouTube channel and a team will lead from the church centre.

4) Will there be refreshments?

Sadly not, we’re unable to serve refreshments or donuts. And just a little side note so that you can plan accordingly, we have limited toilet capacity because of social distancing.

5) Do I need to book a seat?

Yes - we have limited capacity so to ensure you and a guest(s) are able to have a seat, booking prior to Sunday is the best thing to do. You can book online on this page above or call the church office. Plus it really helps with test and trace.

6) I’m connected online, I’m part of a Small Group – I’ve invited a friend to an onsite service and they’ve said yes, can I come with them?

Yes! Of course & good on you for inviting someone to church with you!

If you have any further questions about these services you can get in touch with us via email at
hello@riversidevineyard.com or call the office on 020 8890 3535