Enjoy this Bible day conference as Rick Williams and Steve Berry unpack the messages of the book of Revelation.
Be ready to be amazed as God, in Revelation, peels back the curtain to the future and gives us a glimpse of the return of Jesus, of the defeat of evil and of heaven.
Shortly after Jesus' resurrection and ascension, the early church started suffering persecution. Christians were martyred. They started to wonder – was it still worth following Jesus? What happens to us when we die? Will evil triumph and annihilate the church?God’s response was the book of Revelation.In it we see that evil does rise, Christians are martyred, suffering is experienced. We see a cosmic battle between God and evil, we see curious analogies of beasts and bizarre images. Throughout, we read one strong message: "The lamb wins!". God, who knows the future, unpacks the certainty of His victory. He never promises that the Christian life will be easy, but he does promise that it will be worth it.
Watch the whole conference here: