Supporting the people of Ukraine


As part of the Vineyard movement, we have been praying and fasting for the war in Ukraine using the prayer points on the Vineyard Churches UK & Ireland website and joining with others around the world to intercede and petition.



Practically, there is also an immediate need for finances, so VCUKI are building a fund in the UK and Ireland, which we will use for the following purposes.

1. Immediate relief for our churches and any benevolence that they can practically express.
2. Extraction of certain people, particularly the vulnerable, women, and children from the war zone areas.
3. Partner with certain humanitarian organisations where appropriate such as Humanicare, Tearfund, Red Cross.
4. Help in the rebuilding, post-war, of the churches and their mission in Ukraine.

Giving Details:

Name: Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland

Sort Code: 40-25-49

Account number: 80285048 

Please use the reference ‘Ukraine’.

Thank you for your continued support of our brothers and sisters, as they live through this war.