
There are many things that we love about the Vineyard and about this church. Compassion & generosity are high on our list. We love serving those in need & giving ourselves to serve each other & the communities around us.

We’re called to live with an open hand.

As we continue to pursue this, we’re inviting everyone that calls Riverside Vineyard their church to be a part of the next stage of turning vision into reality. This includes an opportunity for us to launch the Storehouse compassion project into a new, exciting season, and at the same time, to bless our kids & youth ministry.

So please read on.

We hope you’ll be as excited as we are!

Andy & Bethan


In 2017, we built a new “toy store”, and this has been such a blessing! It is one of our favourite rooms in the church centre!

At the time we said we’d love to do the same for food, clothes & baby equipment, spaces where clients can for example, choose their own groceries. We want to empower clients & treat them with greater dignity.

Very simply, we believe the time to do this is now!!


Here’s a little more from Hannah…

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Artists impression of what the Storehouse entrance could look like


Looking at the “old” part of our building, the large, single-glazed windows in the East Wing are in desperate need of replacement. The rooms, primarily used by Young Vineyard & Youth, are drafty & difficult to heat. This is not good for our utility bills or the environment, so...


We’re estimating a cost of ~£75,000. This is clearly a significant sum and significant sacrifice will be needed. What sacrificial giving means is unique to each person and so we’re approaching this on the basis of “equal sacrifice, not equal gifts”. This means we can all be involved as we freely give what the Lord asks of us.


Many people in our society want to help those in need, and we want to help them to do so! One thing we’d love to explore is through food collection points in offices & workplaces.

So could you set up a food collection point in your workplace? The Storehouse team will give you everything you need! Let us know and the team will be in touch.

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There are always exciting things we can give to. We believe the most important for discipleship is a regular habit of giving to the local church that we’re a part of.

If you call Riverside Vineyard your church, we want to invite you to review your personal finances including your giving. It may be for example, that your income has increased and in order to give the same proportion, you’re able to increase your regular giving. Maybe the Lord is leading you to increase the proportion you give. Or maybe for you, now is the time to start a habit of regular giving.


To listen to our talks on this series click on the talks button below…


1.Think about your finances including giving in the light of the Bible. Take a look at the “Generous Giving” leaflet (from Info point or online). It will help you think about things like tithing and why we believe that the focal point of our giving should be the local church we’re part of.

2. Pray about your regular giving to Riverside Vineyard. Ask the Lord to speak, listen to Him and then trust Him by doing it!

3. Please consider whether you are able to give, over and above your regular giving, to the “Open Hand” project that’s part of our church centre development.

4. Please complete a response card below and bring with you to a service on Sunday 19th May. If you’re away that weekend, you can send your card directly to the church office.
