Power to Love - PM Service

Jesus teaches that the power of love is the greatest gift.  This is Mothers Day, when we thank and acknowledge our mothers love for us!  Thanks, Mum!

Ashley Blewett
Power to Love - AM Service

Jesus teaches that the power of love is the greatest gift.  This is Mothers Day, when we thank and acknowledge our mothers love for us!  Thanks, Mum!

Ashley Blewett
Power to Heal - AM Service

Healing the sick was a big part of Jesus’ story – 40% of the gospel narrative is about healing.  How can we grow in our experience of releasing God’s power to heal?

Ashley Blewett
Setting Free the Oppressed - AM Service

Jesus said he’d come to set captives free & gives power & authority to His followers to do the same. In this talk we look at spiritual warfare and how we can do the kinds of things that Jesus did.

Ashley Blewett
David - AM Service

David, as a teenage lad, hears Goliath defy the Lord & His people.  He shows us how we can trust God in the face of things bigger than ourselves.

Ashley Blewett
Gideon - AM Service

Gideon finds himself hiding away in fear, yet God sees a leader.  God calls him, reassures him, and uses him to defeat one of Israel’s enemy’s.

Ashley Blewett
Rahab - PM Service

Rahab was a non-Jewish woman, remembered as a prostitute, and God uses her as part of his plans, not only in the Israelites entering the promised land, but she ends up in the family tree of King Davis & Jesus!

Ashley Blewett
Rahab - AM Service

Rahab was a non-Jewish woman, remembered as a prostitute, and God uses her as part of his plans, not only in the Israelites entering the promised land, but she ends up in the family tree of King Davis & Jesus!

Ashley Blewett
Moses - PM Service

Moses, at the age of 40, murdered an Egyptian. 40 years later, God calls him to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.

Ashley Blewett